Reach Your Goals

Misconceptions Held by First-Time Buyers
A recent survey discovered that some first-time buyers are unaware of all the mortgage options available to them. Are any of these common home buying myths affecting your plans?

I need to put down 20%, right? Over 40% of would-be homeowners think they need to save 20% to buy a home…but this requirement has been obsolete for 66 years. This was because private mortgage insurance (PMI) was introduced in 1956 to help provide more mortgage options.

If my mortgage requires PMI, I’m stuck with it forever.

Did you know that 50% of Americans plan to wait until they’ve saved 20% down, so they can avoid PMI? Depending on your initial mortgage program, you can either:

  • Cancel PMI when the principal balance of your mortgage is around 80% of its current appraised value.
  • Consider refinancing with a mortgage program that doesn’t require PMI.

My parents can’t help me with a down payment. Mortgages popular with first-time buyers often allow their relatives or employer to chip in with “gift funds”. Nearly 37% of millennial buyers have had loved ones assist them in this fashion. However, buyers aren’t allowed to use a personal, unsecured loan as part of their down payment.


Interior Wellness Design Trends

While quarantined homeowners began to create home relaxation areas two years ago, the trend is still going strong. A recent report from the American Society of Interior Designers found that “health and wellness” was a top interior design trend. Today’s homeowners are creating in-house retreats where they can relax, detox and increase their wellness.

Infrared saunas are popular choices with homeowners looking for the benefits of a traditional sauna with less expense and steam. Also called high-infrared or dry heat saunas, these are available with the same look as a wood sauna enclosure, or even in blanket form.

Areas with soothing décor and colors are equally popular. Also known as “meditation corners”, these usually provide sufficient room for yoga or other relaxing pursuits. Plants are another feature, as they improve indoor air quality by converting carbon dioxide into oxygen. Homeowners with larger budgets and more square footage have taken the concept further, adding soaking tubs and skylights that provide more Vitamin D.

Considering that the past two years have delivered plenty of stress, adding a relaxation area is never a bad idea…and the ideal venue is your home.

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